Why Attend

Why Attend

The National League of Cities Congressional City Conference is where the local leader voice takes center stage. Connect with federal officials, learn about funding opportunities available to cities, towns and villages, and add your voice to NLC’s federal municipal policy. 

To help you plan your trip, please refer to our Travel Planner (PDF).

Here are three reasons to reserve your spot at Congressional City Conference today: 

  1. Raise your voice as a national advocate for local priorities as part of Hill Day.  
  2. Meet with federal officials and other experts during our Federal Agency Office Hours. 
  3. Hear from and learn from policy experts, Administration officials and other local leaders. 


local leaders and advocates across the country to learn from


policy committees to learn from and connect with other local leaders


days of intense policy and program deep dive sessions for attendees


day dedicated to advocacy and meeting members of congress

Making the Case

Need to convince your supervisor that you should attend Congressional City Conference? Here are five tips to help you make your case. Don’t forget to download the conference justification letter.

Make Your Case in 5 Easy Steps

Need to convince your supervisor that you should attend Congressional City Conference? Here are five tips to help you make your case. Don’t forget to download the conference justification letter. 

  1. Boost Your Skills: Attending the Congressional City Conference will boost your skills in this fast-changing world. Local government is on the front lines and must remain ready to respond.
  1. Impact Day-to-Day Work: Provide examples of how your experience will positively impact your day-to-day work. For example, the up-close meeting with federal officials gives you an insider’s view on programs that are available to your municipality.  
  1. Make Connections: Flag the connections you will make – with more than 2,000 attendees, there are countless ways to establish connections. 
  1. Cost-savings: Let your municipality know you’re committed to finding cost savings. 
  1. Make your Case: Use our Justification Letter Template (doc) to help your municipality understand why the Congressional City Conference is a valuable investment for your community.